Friday, 11 May 2018

Kumara - Our Journey

Check out our Kumara journey, it started last year and we've just harvested them. 


  1. Kia ora, I'm Nalanee from Te Ropu Ngakaunui in gilberthorpe school. My favorite part was when you guys cooked and ate the Kumara.You taught me how to plant and cook kumara and it was really fun to read. Why did you pick to do this and why do you want to grow kumara and not a different veg.
    Blog you later. Bye.

  2. Kia ora this is Stephanie and I am from te ropu ngakaunui (the same as Nalanee's class, if you might be surprised I actually don't know what Kumara is, Maybe you could tell us what is Kumara (for kids in different countries) and I was always curious about it, is it a potato? I don't know, I've heard it in a hangi but I think it might be good. Nice post also,

  3. Hi i am Addison from te ropu ngkaunui and what you are doing looks so fun and so cool and so delishes and i wish i could do that.

  4. Kia ora Te Hiringa,
    I LOVE kumara! I have never grown my own kumara but after seeing your success I am quite keen to give it a try. Is there a particular time of the year that it is better to plant kumara? It's great that you all helped out every step of the way from planting to eating. YUM!

  5. Hey grey main school Its me Hasan I loved how you showed us that you made kumra but I wonder if you ate it? I guess ill have to find again loved it. maybe you could grow something else like potato or carrots I don't know if you will im going to go bye so bye!

  6. Hi Grey Main School, It's Sam from Yaldhurst Model School,

    I think that you have done a great Job in presenting
    your work, and it was a good idea to present it
    using a Google slide because you have more than one
    photo that you want to use and more than one paragraph,
    so instead of clustering it all in one page, you put it on a whole
    Google slide! It must've been a long wait for the Kumara to grow, hadn't it?



Thanks for your your positive, thoughtful, helpful korero.